Wednesday, July 22, 2009

LeBron dunked on, who cares?

FINALLY! The infamous dunk by Xavier's Jordan Crawford over LeBron James has surfaced! And who cares? The original tape was confiscated by PR reps of LeBron James' Skill Academy, but a cell phone video (and it's actually pretty clear) was dug up by TMZ.

Here's the link to Yahoo's Ball Don't Lie blog which has the video and a little article CLICK HERE. (The above is a still shot of the video)

To be honest, LeBron and his reps were really concerned that this would make its way to the public? I am not impressed with the dunk really, and if LeBron and Co. just let this go when it happened, this would not be as big a deal as it has become. Where did his PR people get their degree? Obviously not WPU.

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