Friday, May 9, 2008

Second coming?

At 7:05 tonight, the Yankees take on the Tigers in Detroit. Regarded by some idiot as the "greatest lineup in the history of baseball," Detroit certainly is stacked. Starting for the Yankees? Hideki Irabu-er, Kei Igawa... my bad.

Maybe the Yankees can get to Kenny Rogers this time around. If not, look for Girardi to yank Igawa early so the bullpen can get taken behind the woodshed.

In other news, A-Rod will be undergoing another MRI on that pesky quad. The results of the MRI will then allow the Yankee heirarchy to make a decision about whether he can make rehab starts in Little League. The same Little League that made Ian Kennedy delusional enough to think he was Superman (That mane really fits Joba, doesn't it?).

By the way, the fact that Irabu has two World Series rings is about as funny as Jonathan Papelbon.

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